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PAVEL MOROCHOVIČ a Slovakian pianist and composer burst onto the Slovak jazz scene in 2014.

His critically acclaimed debut release, eight song trio record titled “Awakening“, features a unit of 8 original tracks that fluently incorporate interconnected themes and motifs interwoven with jazz, classical and world music backdrops. In 2016 Pavel received Radio Head Awards and ESPRIT nominations for the Best Jazz Album in Slovakia. International album's credits: Top 20 Best European Records 2015 at European Jazz Union - Soul and Jazz UK; Top 10 Best Records 2015 at Longplay, Top 10 July and August 2015 at Cutting Edge - Jazz FM UK, Top 10 June 2015 at Steve's Jazz Sounds UK...

Pavel enlists renowned Slovak musicians: bassist Juraj Griglák (Ron Affif, Frank McComb, Poogie Bell, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra) and drummer Martin Valihora (Hiromi, Harry Sokal, Lee Ritenour, Ron Affif, Frank McComb, Mezzoforte) for this project. “When writing and arranging my compositions for The Awakening I felt freedom as never before as the trio consisted of such great musicians who really liked my music and contributed a great deal to the project.”, Pavel says. Although the recording session was their first meeting, it was soon clear that they will continue to spread out the music as a stable jazz piano trio.


In 2016 Pavel took a part in the European project CRISS CROSS EUROPE. The project brought together musicians from six countries selected by a french composer and bass clarinet player LOUIS SCLAVIS (ECM Records) who was coaching the musicians and touring with the CCE band across Europe during October and November 2016. “It was a great experience and an honor to be a part of the project and to perform with such talented musicians at very nice venues across Europe. I´ve learned a lot from Louis who was a really big inspiration for us.”, Pavel recalls. Participation in the CCE led to a collaboration with Dutch musician Neil van der Drift on the project MYRIOI.


In 2019, Pavel began to work on his new compositions focusing on solo piano "HARMONY part I. - Prologue/Suite For Piano". Due to COVID-19, recording was pushed back and eventually took place at Liszt Center in Raiding in 2023 and released by the end of 2023 by Hevhetia.

Above all, his recent activities include performing solo, with his piano trio and other projects in various well-known clubs and music festivals (International Jazz Solo Piano Festival Prague, One Day Jazz Fest, Valašský Špalíček, Trutnoff festival, Paradox, Unterfahrt, De Biljoke, De Werf, Opderschmelz, Slovenské Alternatívne Leto, Jazz Prešov, Festival KHJ, ESPRIT, Open Jazz Fest Blue Note, Dnes Jazz, Festival Slobody, Hevhetia Festival, etc.). As a pianist and arranger he also collaborates with the slovakian project  "STORY"  led by Marián Zima and a renowned slovak actor Milan Kňažko and the jazz duet jEzzSPRIT. 

Pavel comes from the small Ruthenian village Pčoliné in Slovakia. He only decided to take up playing piano at the age of 19, but his passion for music grew stronger while playing the accordion at  local music school under Lýdia Valenčíková and accompanied him through his whole childhood. After the secondary comprehensive school, based on parent’s wish he started studying at the University of Economics. However, he soon realized that it was the wrong direction; he started focusing on music again and left the university. Focusing on interpretation of classical music, he took private piano lessons at Mr. Peter Minárik for several years. In this stage, his interest in jazz music increased. Encouraged by his piano teacher, he intended to enhance his skills at a music college, but this idea never materialized and he continued studying, practising and teaching himself.


"The maturity of the pianist’s composition/improvisation and performance is of an incredibly high standard, producing mesmerising results."

"V posledních letech se vyrojila spousta sólové klavírní hudby. A výtečné. S potěšením konstatuji, že Morochovičovo sólo patří k těm nejvydařenějším!"

"Absolutely stunning discovery"
- Mike Chadwick, Jazz FM UK
"Absolutely suburb piano trio"
- StevesJazzSound
"Pavel has Interesting musical approach, his production offers an melodic rendition of jazz in miniature structures"

- Prof. Yvetta Kajanová, PhD. , FiFUK
"Morochovič inšpirovaný priestorom a zvukom koncertného klavíra Steinway v
Lisztovom Centre v Rakúskom Raidingu, tu za dva jesenné dni nahral
majstrovské dielo."

- Nový Populár, NP1/2024


"The music is bold and adventurous, with a rare immersive quality that keeps me engaged from start to finish. There are fireworks, but there is also restraint and reflection, a quality that doesn’t go overlooked." , Mike Gates,, 2024

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"前述の(1)で重厚な幕開けをした後は、力強い律動の中で流麗なフレイズが疾走する(2)や、リリシズム溢れる(6)などさまざまな楽曲が展開。ひとつの組曲のような趣きを湛えた魅力的なアルバムだ。(早田和音), Kazune Hayata, JAZZLIFE contemporary jazz magazine Japan, 2024

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"Nedávno vyšel učiněný hudební skvost! Je jím sólové album klavíristy Pavla Morochoviče Harmony I. – „Prologue“ Suite for piano, jež v závěru loňského roku vydal label Hevhetia.",, 2024

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"Možno nepatrím k najstarším pozorovateľom domácej scény, ale nejaké to štvrťstoročie sa snažím sledovať a mapovať aktivity slovenských umelcov a v danom kontexte musím prehlásiť, že nič podobné, ako sólový album klaviristu Pavla Morochoviča, sme tu doposiaľ nemali.", Peter Motyčka, JAZZ.SK , 2024

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"V posledních letech se vyrojila (a celkem logicky) spousta sólové klavírní hudby. A výtečné. S potěšením konstatuji, že Morochovičovo sólo patří k těm nejvydařenějším!" , Jan Hocek,  2024

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"Úžasný feeling, melódie, drive a virtuozita sa tu stretla v kongeniálnom spojení hudobníkov, ktorí sa nedržali striktne formy a ich hra bola miestami ovplyvnená folklórom, súčasnou vážnou hudbou či free, ale v zmysle uvoľnenia, vzájomnej interakcie a zábavy.", Ján Graus, Nový Populár , 2019

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Review on the album Awakening  in JAZZ LIFE – one of the leading contemporary jazz magazine  in Japan, Kazune Hataya, jazzlife 

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“Kde sa vzal, tu sa vzal, za dverami Morochovič stál! Asi ako blesk z čistého neba vtrhol na slovenskú jazzovú scénu skladateľ a klavirista Pavel Morochovič…”, Patrik Španko,


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„ Zachwycają ogromne możliwości Morochovica w zakresie kompozycji oraz sposób ich przekazu poprzez pełną wirtuozerii, a jednocześnie bardzo emocjonalną interpretację.“,  Robert Ratajczak, longplay 


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​„Großartiges Album! Das PAVEL MOROCHOVIC TRIO spielt auf “Awakening” treibenden Trad-Jazz- bis Fusion-Kram, der die Nackenhaare in gleicher Weise aufrichtet, wie er Maulsperren hinterlässt.“, Andreas Schiffmann,


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”There is potential here for this trio to become one of Europe’s leading lights in the jazz world for years to come.”, UKVIBE 


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“Lepší klavírní triovou desku letos v srdci Evropy hned tak neuslyšíme, na to dám ruku do ohně…”, Jan Hocek, Jazzport

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